Beyond Special - A luxurious arrangement!
This gorgeous arrangement is packed with luxury flowers including calla lilies, peonies, roses and more. The blue-gray dusty miller foliage adds a stylish contrasting accent to this designer arrangement. It is perfect for a special birthday...
Celebrate the spirit of freedom with six beautiful red roses; accented with a big blue bow; and topped off with an American flag. This patriotic bouquet, of a half dozen red roses, is perfect for Memorial Day, the 4th of July or any day of the year...
Scarlet Bouquet - Roses & mixed blooms ready for your vase!
The Scarlett Bouquet is a beautiful hand tied bouquet of red and white blooms includes, roses, gerbera daisies, tulips & alstromeria lilies wrapped up with ornamental grass. The perfect modern presentation gift bouquet for almost any occasion...
Passionately patriotic, this red, white and blue bouquet in a simple blue contemporary glass cube vase is a tribute to the American spirit. This vibrant bouquet includes white Asiatic lilies, red roses, blue statice, red carnations and white Alstroemeria...
This Orchid Garden is a fantastic luxury gift for an orchid lover or anyone special who appreciates the sublime beauty of Orchids. There are four Orchid stems and several succulent plants nestled at the base of the white designer ceramic container...
ROSES -4 DOZEN Long Stem Premium
A gorgeous and brilliant bouquet of 48 long-stemmed red roses, expertly situated in a clear glass cylindrical vase. What a perfect way to declare your love! This arrangement will make heads turn. BEST ROSE PRICES IN TOWN!
This Best Seller is a mix of white tulips, hydrangea, red roses and Christmas accents including frosted pine cones and red berries all arranged in a clear 6in cylinder vase with a curly willow accent. This is a beautiful arrangement for any...
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